Andries Odendaal

is an international advisor to NTTP-I. He is a Senior Associate at the Centre for Mediation in Africa at the University of Pretoria. He was a regional coordinator of the Western Cape Peace Committee in 1993–1994 during South Africa’s political transition, responsible for establishing and supporting local peace committees. During 1995–1998, he continued experimenting with local peace committees in post-apartheid South Africa and Lesotho under the auspices of the Centre for Conflict Resolution at the University of Cape Town. From 1999 to 2004, he coordinated projects of the Centre for Conflict Resolution in other African countries, and since 2005 provided freelancing support to peace-building initiatives of the UN and international organisations in Africa and elsewhere. Contracted by the Nepal Transition to Peace Initiative (NTTP) during 2006–2007, in collaboration with the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, he assisted with the conceptualization and implementation of local peace committees.

He has authored several articles on local peace building and was a Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow at the US Institute of Peace (USIP) in 2009–2010. His study on local peace committees, A Crucial Link: Local Peace Committees and National Peacebuilding, was published in 2013 by USIP.