Areas of Research

NTTP-I would like to invite highly qualified researchers to submit proposals for conducting research on burning socio-political issues of Nepal. NTTP-I will accept two research proposals on two separate topics relevant to NTTP-I’s areas of work. Please submit one-page concept note, accompanied by your CV before 1 Nov 2017 through NTTP-I’s email address: (Please mention “Proposal Topic – your name” in the subject line).

NTTP-I conducts research in the following areas in the context of Nepal and South Asia. For more information on the ongoing researches and the specific details, please contact the Institute.

1. Inclusion and Representation in Peace and Political Processes

2. Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation

3. Ethnicity and Conflict

4. Democratization and Democratic Institution Building

5. Implementation of Federalization and Conflict

6. Local Peace Building in Nepal

7. General Security / National Security

8. Peace and Justice